The Glee Project is an American reality television series from Oxygen. It serves as an audition for the FOX TV series Glee. Although originally planned to begin broadcasting in late May 2011, The Glee Project premiered on June 12, 2011. In Canada, the series began airing on Slice on June 26, 2011 with a two hour extended premiere where the first hour showed the audition process and selection of the Top 12. In the UK, the series began airing on Sky One on July 14, 2011 with a two hour extended premiere where the first hour showed the audition process and selection of the Top 12.
Glee executive producers Ryan Murphy and Dante Di Loreto are executive producers for The Glee Project. Glee's casting director, Robert Ulrich, is casting director for the project.[1][2]
Damian McGinty and Samuel Larsen were both proclaimed the winners of the first season. Runners-up Lindsay Pearce and Alex Newell will also be starring on a 2-episode arc on Glee, and Cameron Mitchell, who quit the competition in episode 7, won the "fan favorite" competition and the associated $10,000 prize.[3]

ContenderAgeHometownResultDate eliminatedReferences
Damian McGinty, Jr.18Derry City, Northern IrelandWinnerN/A[4]
Samuel Larsen19Los Angeles, CaliforniaWinnerN/A[5]
Lindsay Pearce19Modesto, CaliforniaRunner UpN/A[6]
Alex Newell18Lynn, MassachusettsRunner UpN/A[7]
Hannah McIalwain19Asheville, North Carolina8th eliminatedAugust 7, 2011[8]
Cameron Mitchell21Fort Worth, Texas7th eliminatedJuly 31, 2011[9][10]
Marissa von Bleicken19New York, New York6th eliminatedJuly 24, 2011[11]
Matheus Fernandes19Atlanta, Georgia5th eliminatedJuly 17, 2011[12][13]
McKynleigh Abraham19Paducah, Kentucky4th eliminatedJuly 10, 2011[14]
Emily Vásquez22New York, New York3rd eliminatedJune 26, 2011[15]
Ellis Wylie18Grayslake, Illinois2nd eliminatedJune 19, 2011[16][17]
Bryce Ross-Johnson22Westlake Village, California1st eliminatedJune 12, 2011[18]  


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